C program to implement simple code generator

C program to implement simple code generator

Oct 15, 2024

ALGORITHM:1. Start2. Get address code sequence.3. Determine current location of 3 using address (for 1st operand).4. If current location not already exist generate move (B,O).5. Update address of A(for 2nd operand).6. If current value of B and () is null,exist.7. If they generate

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Prove that L = {ww | w ∈ {0, 1}∗} is not regular

Prove that L = {ww | w ∈ {0, 1}∗} is not regular

Oct 15, 2024

Assume that L is regular. Let p be the pumping length guaranteed by the Pumping Lemma. Take w =0p10p1 . Clearly, w ∈ L, and |w| ≥ p. We need to show that for any partition w = xyz, with |xy| ≤ p,

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Program for construction of LR Parsing table using C

Program for construction of LR Parsing table using C

Oct 15, 2024

ALGORITHM: Get the input expression and store it in the input buffer. Read the data from the input buffer one at the time and convert in to corresponding Non Terminal using production rules available. Perform push & pop operation for LR parsing table

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Regular expression for string starts and ends with same character

Regular expression for string starts and ends with same character

Oct 15, 2024

1. 0(0+1)*0 This regular expression matches any string that starts and ends with 0. Breakdown: The first 0 ensures the string starts with 0. (0+1)* means the middle part of the string can be any combination of 0s and 1s (zero or more

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Lex program replaces the substring abc by ABC from the given input string

Lex program replaces the substring abc by ABC from the given input string

Oct 7, 2024

Lex program contains three sections: definitions, rules, and user subroutines. Each section must be separated from the others by a line containing only the delimiter, %%. The format is as follows: definitions %% rules %% user_subroutines In definition section, the variables make up

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C program to Design a lexical analyzer for given language and the lexical analyzer should ignore redundant spaces, tabs and new lines

C program to Design a lexical analyzer for given language and the lexical analyzer should ignore redundant spaces, tabs and new lines

Oct 7, 2024

This program reads a C source code file, tokenizes it into keywords, identifiers, and special characters, and counts the lines. It also ignores redundant spaces, tabs, and new lines while processing the input #include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <string.h>#include <ctype.h>void keyword(char str[10]) {// Check if

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C program to simulate lexical analyzer for validating operators

C program to simulate lexical analyzer for validating operators

Oct 7, 2024

This program is designed to read an operator input from the user and determine what type of operator it is. It uses a switch statement to analyze the input and identify single-character and double-character operators, such as: Greater than (>) and Greater than

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Convert from NFA to DFA using Thompson’s rule for (a+b)*abb

Convert from NFA to DFA using Thompson’s rule for (a+b)*abb

Oct 1, 2024

To convert the regular expression (a + b)*abb from an NFA to a DFA using Thompson’s construction, we will follow these steps: Create an NFA for (a + b)*abb using Thompson’s construction. Convert the NFA into a DFA using the subset construction method.

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Instructions and instruction sequencing in Computer organization

Instructions and instruction sequencing in Computer organization

Sep 30, 2024

Instructions are the fundamental commands executed by a computer’s Central Processing Unit (CPU). These commands tell the CPU what actions to perform on the data, which can include tasks like arithmetic operations, data movement, and branching (decision-making). In computer organization, understanding instructions and

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C Program to Recognize Strings Under ‘a’, ‘ab+’, ‘abb’

C Program to Recognize Strings Under ‘a’, ‘ab+’, ‘abb’

Sep 30, 2024

This C program is designed to recognize and classify strings according to three specific rules or patterns: a*: A string consisting of zero or more ‘a’ characters. a*b+: A string that starts with zero or more ‘a’ characters followed by one or more

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