Explain token & pattern and lexemes

Token: Sequence of character having a collective meaning is known as token.

Typical tokens are,

1) Identifiers

2) keywords

3) operators

4) special symbols

5) constants

Pattern: The set of rules called pattern associated with a token.

Lexeme: The sequence of character in a source program matched with a pattern for a token is called lexeme.

Token Lexeme Pattern
Const Const Const
If If If
Relation <,<=,= ,< >,>=,> < or <= or = or < > or >= or >
Id Pi, count, n, I letter followed by letters and digits.
Number 3.14159, 0, 6.02e23 Any numeric constant
Literal “RNS Institute” Any character between “ and “ except “


total = sum + 12.5 Tokens are: total (id), = (relation) Sum (id) + (operator) 12.5 (num)

Lexemes are:  total, =, sum, +, 12.5

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