
Propagation of Accounting Standards

Propagation of Accounting Standards

The following measures have been taken to propagate the accounting standards :
(i) Information regarding the current status of the various project relating to the accounting standards and drawing the attention of the members to the standards already issued is published in the journal of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.

(ii) Discussions on the accounting standards issued by the 1CAI are arranged in the continuing education programmes organized by the ICAI and its Regional Councils and Students’ Associations.

(iii) There is regular communication with universities, colleges, business management institutes, public and private sector undertakings etc. with a view to keeping them informed about the issuance of different accounting standards from time to time and seeking their co-operation in the implementation of these accounting standards.

(iv) The institute uses the compliance with the accounting standards an important criterion in deciding about the awards which the Institute gives every year for the best presented accounts and the Institute has been drawing attention of the companies and corporations to this fact.

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