Specification of token

Strings and languages Terms for a part of string

Term Definition
Prefix of S A string obtained by removing zero or more trailing symbol of string S. e.g., ban is prefix of banana.
Suffix of S A string obtained by removing zero or more leading symbol of string S. e.g., nana is suffix of banana.
Sub string of S A string obtained by removing prefix and suffix from S. e.g., nan is substring of banana.
Proper prefix, suffix and substring of S Any nonempty string x that is respectively prefix, suffix or substring of S, such that s≠x
Subsequence of S A string obtained by removing zero or more not necessarily contiguous symbol from S. e.g., baaa is subsequence of banana.

Operation on languages Definition of operation on language

Operation Definition
Union of L and M Written L U M L U M = {s | s is in L or s is in M }
concatenation of L and M Written LM LM = {st | s is in L and t is in M }
Kleene closure of L written L* L* denotes “zero or more concatenation of” L.
Positive closure of L written L+ L+ denotes “one or more concatenation of” L.

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