C Program

Write a program to open a file using fopen()

Write a program to open a file using fopen()

 void main()
file *fp;
fp=fopen(“student.DAT”, “r”);
printf(“The file could not be open”);

1. Include Directives

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
  • #include <stdio.h>: Includes the Standard Input Output library, which is essential for functions like printf, fopen, and fclose.
  • #include <stdlib.h>: Includes the Standard Library, which is necessary for using the exit function.

2. Main Function

int main() {
  • Defines the main function where the program execution starts. (Note: It’s best to use int main() instead of void main() for standard compliance.)

3. File Pointer Declaration

FILE *fp;  // Declare a file pointer
  • A file pointer fp is declared. This pointer will be used to manage the file operations.

4. Opening the File

fp = fopen("student.DAT", "r");
  • The fopen function is used to open the file named student.DAT in read mode ("r"). This means the program will attempt to read data from this file.

5. Error Checking

if (fp == NULL) {
    printf("The file could not be opened\n");
  • This checks whether the file was opened successfully. If fp is NULL, it indicates an error (e.g., the file does not exist or cannot be accessed).
  • If the file cannot be opened, it prints an error message and exits the program with exit(0).

6. Additional File Operations

// If file opened successfully, you can add code here to read data
  • This comment indicates where you can add code to read data from the file if it opened successfully.

7. Closing the File

  • This closes the file once all necessary operations are complete. It’s essential to free up resources by closing files you open.

8. Return Statement

return 0;
  • This indicates successful completion of the program.

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