
Accounting Standards

Accounting Standard 1 (AS-1)

Accounting standards codify the generally accepted accounting principles. They lay down the norms of accounting policies and practices by way of codes or guidelines to direct as to how the items appearing in the financial statements should be dealt with in the books of account and shown in the financial statements and annual reports. They present the general principles to be put to application using professional judgement.

The main purpose of accounting standards is to provide information to the user as to the basis on which the accounts have been prepared. They make the financial statements of different business unit or the financial statements of the same business unit comparable. In the absence of accounting standards, comparison of different financial statements may lead to misleading conclusions.

Accounting standards bring about uniformity of assumptions, rules and policies adopted in financial reporting and thus they ensure consistency and comparability in the data published by the business enterprises. To be useful, an accounting standard must be capable of being well understood and it must be able to reduce significantly the degree of manipulation of the reported data.

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The following is the text of Accounting Standard 1 (AS1) issued by the Accounting Standards Board of the Institute of
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