Hill Climbing / Gradient Descent ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE

A* Search

Suppose that, for each node n in a search tree, an evaluation function f(n) is defined as the sum of the cost g(n) to reach that node from the start state, plus an estimated cost h(n) to get from that state to the goal state. That f(n) is then the estimated cost of the cheapest […]

Hill Climbing / Gradient Descent ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE

Hill Climbing / Gradient Descent

The basic idea of hill climbing is simple: at each current state we select a transition, evaluate the resulting state, and if the resulting state is an improvement we move there, otherwise we try a new transition from where we are. We repeat this until we reach a goal state, or have no more transitions […]


Searching And-Or graphs

The DFS and BFS strategies for OR trees and graphs can be adapted for And-Or trees The main difference lies in the way termination conditions are determined, since all goals following an And node must be realized, whereas a single goal node following an Or node will do A more general optimal strategy is AO* (O […]

List the various type of agent types ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE

AO* algorithm

The AO* algorithm is a search algorithm used primarily for problem-solving in directed acyclic graphs (DAGs). It is particularly useful in scenarios where the search space can be represented as a graph with nodes representing states and edges representing actions or transitions between those states. AO* is an extension of the A* algorithm, designed to […]


Comparing the Uninformed Search Algorithms

Uninformed search algorithms, also known as blind search algorithms, explore the search space without any domain-specific knowledge. They are fundamental in artificial intelligence for solving problems where the solution path is not known. Here’s a comparison of some common uninformed search algorithms: 1. Breadth-First Search (BFS) Description: Explores all nodes at the present depth level […]


Best-First branch-and-bound

Best-First Branch-and-Bound is an optimization algorithm used to solve combinatorial search problems, where the goal is to find the optimal solution among many candidates. It combines the principles of branch-and-bound with best-first search. Components: Branching: The problem is broken down into smaller subproblems (branches) that can be more easily solved or evaluated. Bounding: A bound […]