Information Accounting

Users of Accounting Information

Financial accounting is primarily concerned with preparation of accounting information for the outsiders who do not have direct excess to the accounting records. They obtain accounting information of business enterprises from their annual reports, data published by Government departments and information published in financial newspapers, e.g., the Economic Times, Financial Express etc., or business magazines […]

Essential Features of Accounting Principles Accounting

Essential Features of Accounting Principles

The general acceptance of an accounting principle or practice depends on its capacity to meetthe criteria of relevance, objectivity and feasibility. An accounting principle should be relevant, i.e. the use of it should result in information that is meaningful and useful to the financial statement users. In other words only those accounting rules which increase the utility of the business […]

Accounting Standard 1 (AS-1) Accounting

Accounting Standards

Accounting standards codify the generally accepted accounting principles. They lay down the norms of accounting policies and practices by way of codes or guidelines to direct as to how the items appearing in the financial statements should be dealt with in the books of account and shown in the financial statements and annual reports. They […]

Procedure of Preparing Accounting Standards Accounting

Procedure of Preparing Accounting Standards

The Accounting Standards Board determines the broad areas in which accounting standards are to be formulated and the priority which is to be given to each one of the selected areas. In the task of preparation of accounting standards. Accounting Standards Board is assisted by different study groups constituted to consider specific subjects. In the […]

Propagation of Accounting Standards Accounting

Propagation of Accounting Standards

The following measures have been taken to propagate the accounting standards :(i) Information regarding the current status of the various project relating to the accounting standards and drawing the attention of the members to the standards already issued is published in the journal of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. (ii) Discussions on the […]

Accounting Standard 1 (AS-1) Accounting

Accounting Standard 1 (AS-1)

The following is the text of Accounting Standard 1 (AS1) issued by the Accounting Standards Board of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, on “Disclosure of Accounting Policies”. The Standard deals with the disclosure of significant accounting policies followed in preparing and presenting financial statements. Introduction1. This statement deals with the disclosure of significant […]

Computer security Comuter Security

Computer security

Computer security is security applied to computing devices such as computers and smartphones, as well as computer networks such as private and public networks, including the whole Internet. The field covers all the processes and mechanisms by which digital equipment, information and services are protected from unintended or unauthorized access, change or destruction, and are […]

Top 10 Cyber Crime Prevention Tips Comuter Security

Top 10 Cyber Crime Prevention Tips

In today’s digital age, cyber crime is a growing concern for individuals and businesses alike. Hackers and cybercriminals are constantly finding new ways to exploit vulnerabilities, making it essential to stay informed and proactive in protecting yourself online. Whether you’re browsing, shopping, or working online, these top 10 cyber crime prevention tips will help you […]

Java program to Implement 0/1 Knapsack problem using Greedy method Java

Java program to Implement 0/1 Knapsack problem using Greedy method

Overview of the 0/1 Knapsack Problem The 0/1 Knapsack Problem involves selecting items to maximize their total value without exceeding a given weight capacity. Each item has a specific weight and value, and the goal is to determine the maximum total value of items that can fit in the knapsack. import java.util.Scanner; public class knapsacgreedy […]

C program to test whether a given identifier is valid or not C Program Compiler Design

C program to implement simple code generator

ALGORITHM:1. Start2. Get address code sequence.3. Determine current location of 3 using address (for 1st operand).4. If current location not already exist generate move (B,O).5. Update address of A(for 2nd operand).6. If current value of B and () is null,exist.7. If they generate operator () A,3 ADPR.8. Store the move instruction in memory9. Stop Algorithm […]