Program to recognize a valid variable which starts with a letter followed by any number of letters or digits

Yacc %token DIGIT LETTER NL UND %% stmt : variable NL { printf(“Valid Identifiersn”); exit(0);} ; variable : LETTER alphanumeric ; alphanumeric: LETTER alphanumeric | DIGIT alphanumeric | UND alphanumeric…

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Program to Convert the BNF rules into Yacc form and write code to generate Abstract Syntax Tree

ALGORITHM:1. Start 2. Include the header file.3. In int code.l,declare the variable lie no as integer and assign it to be equal to ‘1’.4. Start the int code.l with declarative section.5.…

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C program to implement Recursive Descent Parser of a given grammer

#include #include char input[10]; int i=0,error=0; void E(); void T(); void Eprime(); void Tprime(); void F(); void main() { clrscr(); printf("Enter an arithmetic expression :n"); gets(input); E(); if(strlen(input)==i&&error==0) printf("nAccepted..!!!"); else…

Continue ReadingC program to implement Recursive Descent Parser of a given grammer