C program to check whether a mathematical statement is solvable or not

ALGORITHMStart.Declare two character arrays str[],token[] and initialize integer variables a=0,b=0,c,d.Input the string from the user.Repeat steps 5 to 12 till str[a] =‟‟.If str[a] =='(‘ or str[a] =='{‘ then token[b] =‟4‟,…

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C program to Design a lexical analyzer for given language and the lexical analyzer should ignore redundant spaces, tabs and new lines

AIM: Design a lexical analyzer for given language and the lexical analyzer should ignore redundant spaces, tabs and new lines. It should also ignore comments. Although the syntax specification states that…

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Program for implementing a calculator for computing the given expression using semantic rules of the YACC tool

ALGORITHM:A Yacc source program has three parts as follows:Declarations%%translation rules%%supporting C routinesDeclarations Section:This section contains entries that:Include standard I/O header file.Define global variables.Define the list rule as the place to…

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