Explain Requirement Elicitation/requirement gathering

Requirements elicitation or requirements gathering combines elements of problem solving, elaboration, negotiation, and specification.In order to encourage a collaborative, team-oriented approach to requirements gathering, stakeholders work together to identify the problem, propose elements of the solution, negotiate different approaches and specify a preliminary set of solution requirements

Collaborative Requirements Gathering

  • The goal is to identify the problem, propose elements of the solution, negotiate different approaches, and specify a preliminary set of solution requirements in an atmosphere that is conducive to the accomplishment of the goal
  • Meetings are conducted and attended by both software engineers and other stakeholders
  • Rules for preparation and participation are established
  • An agenda is suggested that is formal enough to cover all important points but informal enough to encourage the free flow of ideas
  • A “facilitator” (can be a customer, a developer, or an outsider) controls the meeting
  • A “definition mechanism” (can be work sheets, flip charts, or wall stickers or an electronic bulletin board, chat room, or virtual forum) is used.

Quality Function Deployment(QFD)

  • Quality function deployment (QFD) is a quality management technique that translates the needs of the customer into technical requirements for  software. QFD “concentrates on maximizing customer satisfaction from the software engineering process”.
  • QFD identifies three types of requirements normal requirements, expected requirements, exciting requirements  

Elicitation Work Products

  • The work products produced as a consequence of requirements elicitation will vary depending on the size of the system or product to be For most systems, the work products include 
  • A statement of need and feasibility
  • A bounded statement of scope for the system or product
  • A list of customers, users, and other stakeholders who participated in requirements elicitation 
  • A description of the system’s technical environment
  • A list of requirements (preferably organized by function) and the domain constraints that apply to each
  • A set of usage scenarios that provide insight into the use of the system or product under different operating conditions
  • Any prototypes developed to better define requirements

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