Limitations of a DFD model

DFD models suffer from several shortcomings. The important limitations of the DFD models are the following:

  • DFDs leave ample scope to be imprecise – In the DFD model, the function performed by a bubble is judged from its label. However, a short label may not capture the entire functionality of a bubble. For example, a bubble named find-book-position has only intuitive meaning and does not specify several things, e.g. what happens when some input information are missing or are incorrect. Further, the find-book-position bubble may not convey anything regarding what happens when the required book is missing.
  • Control aspects are not defined by a DFD– For instance; the order in which inputs are consumed and outputs are produced by a bubble is not specified. A DFD model does not specify the order in which the different bubbles are executed. Representation of such aspects is very important for modeling real-time systems.
  • The method of carrying out decomposition to arrive at the successive levels and the ultimate level to which decomposition is carried out are highly subjective and depend on the choice and judgment of the analyst. Due to this reason, even for the same problem, several alternative DFD representations are possible. Further, many times it is not possible to say which DFD representation is superior or preferable to another one.
  •  The data flow diagramming technique does not provide any specific guidance as to how exactly to decompose a given function into its sub-functions and we have to use subjective judgment to carry out decomposition

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