C program to implement Recursive Descent Parser of a given grammer

#include #include char input[10]; int i=0,error=0; void E(); void T(); void Eprime(); void Tprime(); void F(); void main() { clrscr(); printf("Enter an arithmetic expression :n"); gets(input); E(); if(strlen(input)==i&&error==0) printf("nAccepted..!!!"); else…

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Discuss the law relating to the rights and liabilities of joint promisors in a contract and Also explain the devolution of joint liabilities

MEANING: When two or more persons have made a joint promise, they are known as joint promisors. Unless a contrary intention appears from the contract, all joint promisors must jointly fulfill…

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Python program to accept sentence from user and display the longest word of that sentence

#longest word of the sentence with its length sent=input("Enter sentence : ") words=sent.split() length=len(words[0]) for word in words: if length < len(word): longest=word length=len(word) print("The longest word is", longest, "…

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