Program Analysis Tools

A program analysis tool means an automated tool that takes the source code or the executable code of a program as input and produces reports regarding several important characteristics of the program, such as its size, complexity, adequacy of commenting, adherence to programming standards, etc. We can classify these into two broad categories of program analysis tools:

  • Static Analysis tools
  • Dynamic Analysis tools
  • Static program analysis tools

Static Analysis Tool is also a program analysis tool. It assesses and computes various characteristics of a software product without executing it. Typically, static analysis tools analyze some structural representation of a program to arrive at certain analytical conclusions, e.g. that some structural properties hold. The structural properties that are usually analyzed are:

  • Whether the coding standards have been adhered to?
  • Certain programming errors such as uninitialized variables and mismatch between actual and formal parameters, variables that are declared but never used are also checked.Code walk throughs and code inspections might be considered as static analysis methods. But, the term static program analysis is used to denote automated analysis tools. So, a compiler can be considered to be a static program analysis tool.

Dynamic program analysis tools – Dynamic program analysis techniques require the program to be executed and its actual behavior recorded. A dynamic analyzer usually instruments the code (i.e. adds additional statements in the source code to collect program execution traces). The instrumented code when executed allows us to record the behavior of the software for different test cases. After the software has been tested with its full test suite and its behavior recorded, the dynamic analysis tool caries out a post execution analysis and produces reports which describe the structural coverage that has been achieved by the complete test suite for the program.

For example, the post execution dynamic analysis report might provide data on extent statement, branch and path coverage achieved. Normally the dynamic analysis results are reported in the form of a histogram or a pie chart to describe the structural coverage achieved for different modules of the program. The output of a dynamic analysis tool can be stored and printed easily and provides evidence that thorough testing has been done. The dynamic analysis results the extent of testing performed in white-box mode. If the testing coverage is not satisfactory more test cases can be designed and added to the test suite. Further, dynamic analysis results can help to eliminate redundant test cases from the test suite.

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