Swapping two numbers

There are two methods for swapping:
  • By using third variable.
  • Without using third variable.
Swapping Using Third Variable
					<?php $a = 50; $b = 83; 
echo "Before swapping:<br><br>";
echo "a =".$a." b=".$b."<br> ";
$third = $a;
$a = $b;
$b = $third; 
echo "After swapping:<br><br>";
echo "a =".$a." b=".$b; 

Swapping Without using Third Variable
Swap two numbers without using a third variable is done in two ways:

  • Using arithmetic operation + and
  • Using arithmetic operation * and
  • Using arithmetic operation + and –
echo " Before Swapping:<br>"; 
echo "Value of a: $a</br>"; 
echo "Value of b: $b</br>"; 
echo " After Swapping:<br>"; 
echo "Value of a: $a</br>";
echo "Value of b: $b</br>";
Using arithmetic operation * and /
echo " Before Swapping:<br>"; 
echo "Value of a: $a</br>";
echo "Value of b: $b</br>";
echo " After Swapping:<br>"; 
echo "Value of a: $a</br>";
echo "Value of b: $b</br>"; ?>

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