Explain Black Box Testing

  • Black-box testing, also called behavioral testing, focuses on the functional requirements of the software
  • That is, black-box testing techniques enable you to derive sets of input conditions that will fully exercise all functional requirements for a program
  • Black-box testing is not an alternative to white-box techniques.  Rather, it is a complementary approach that is likely to uncover a different class of errors than white box methods.
  • Black-box testing attempts to find errors in the following categories:
  • Incorrect or missing functions 
  • Interface errors
  • Errors in data structures or external database access
  • Behavior or performance errors
  • Initialization and termination errors
      • Black Box Testing method is applicable to the following levels of software testing:
        • It is mainly applied to System testing and Acceptance testing
        • Integration Testing
        • System Testing
        • Acceptance Testing
    • The higher the level, and hence the bigger and more complex the box, the more black box testing method comes into use.

Black box testing advantages

  • Tests are done from a user’s point of view and will help in exposing discrepancies in the specifications
  • Tester need not know programming languages or how the software has been implemented
  • Tests can be conducted by a body independent from the developers, allowing for an objective perspective and the avoidance of developer-bias.
  • Test cases can be designed as soon as the specifications are complete 

Black box testing disadvantages

  • Only a small number of possible inputs can be tested and many program paths will be left untested
  • Without clear specifications, which is the situation in many projects, test cases will be difficult to design
  • Tests can be redundant if the software designer/ developer has already run a test case

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