Explain W5HH Principle for Project Management

Boehm suggests an approach that addresses project objectives, milestones and schedules, responsibilities, management and technical approaches, and required resources. He calls it the W5HH Principle, after a series of questions that lead to a definition of key project characteristics and the resultant project plan 

  • W5HH Principle is applicable regardless of the size or complexity of a software project
  • The questions noted provide you and your team with an excellent planning outline
  • Why is the system being developed?

             All stakeholders should assess the validity of business reasons for the software work.  Does the business purpose justify the expenditure of people, time, and money?

  • What will be done?

            The task set required for the project is defined

  • When will it be done?
    The team establishes a project schedule by identifying when project tasks are to be conducted and when milestones are to be reached
  • Who is responsible for a function?

  The role and responsibility of each member of the software team is defined

  • Where are they located organizationally?

            Not all roles and responsibilities reside within software practitioners. The customer, users, and other stakeholders also have responsibilities

  • How will the job be done technically and managerially?

            Once product scope is established, a management and technical strategy for the project must be defined

  • How much of each resource is needed?

           The answer to this question is derived by developing estimates based on answers to earlier questions

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