Methods of Evaluation in HRM

Various methods can be used to collect data on the outcomes of training. Some of these are:

Questionnaires: Comprehensive questionnaires could be used to obtain opinion reactions, views of trainees..

Tests: Standard tests could be used to find out whether trainees have learnt anything during and after the training.

Interviews: Interviews could be conducted to find the usefulness of training offered to operatives.

Studies: Comprehensive studies could be carried out eliciting the opinions and judgments of trainers, superiors and peer groups about the training.

Human resource factors: Training can also be evaluated on the basis of employee satisfaction, which in turn can be examined on the basis of decrease in employee turnover, absenteeism, accidents, grievances, discharges, dismissals, etc. 

Cost benefit analysis: The costs of training (cost of hiring trainers, tools to learn training centre, wastage, production stoppage, opportunity cost of trainers and trainees) could be compared with its  value (in terms of reduced learning time improved learning, superior performance) in order to evaluate a training programme.

Feedback: After the evaluation, the situation should be examined to identify the probable causes for gaps in performance. The training evaluation information.(about costs, time spent, outcomes, etc.)should be provided to the instructors’ trainees and other parties concerned for  control, correction and improvement of trainees’ activities. The training evaluator should follow it up sincerely so as to ensure effective implementation of the feedback report at every stage.

Please note that no training is complete without its evaluation. That is, the follow up of a training programme is very essential.

Impediments or problems in Training Process:

  • Management’s commitment is lacking
  • Aggregate spending on training is inadequate
  • The trainers may lack skills
  • Poaching
  • No help in case of downsizing

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