Types of outlier detection

Types of outlier detection:Statistical Distribution-Based Outlier DetectionDistance-Based Outlier DetectionDensity-Based Local Outlier DetectionDeviation-Based Outlier DetectionStatistical Distribution-Based Outlier Detection:The statistical distribution-based approach to outlier detection assumes a distribution or probability model for…

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Schools should ask students to evaluate their teachers. Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer

Teachers often get a chance to evaluate the knowledge of their students. Some people think that schools should allow students to evaluate the work of their teachers. In my opinion,…

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Implement the lexical analyzer using JLex, flex or other lexical analyzer generating tools

LOGIC: Read the input string. Check whether the string is identifier/ keyword /symbol by using the rules of identifier and keywords using LEX ToolPROCEDURE: Go to terminal .Open vi editor ,Lex lex.l  ,…

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File Types

• File name consists of two parts: name and extension• The user and the operating system can identify the type of a file using the name.• Most operating systems allow…

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